Cloud Computing for Accounting: Better Accounting with Zinon Cloud

Accounting is no longer an isolated task. Employees and departments across Ireland, and possibly even the road, need on-demand access to various accounting files, tools and reports. And as organisation’s become more global, this information is often needed in varying time zones. In others, 24/7 access is a necessity. If employees are not properly communicating important changes and updating necessary files when needed, it becomes very easy for accounting inaccuracies to arise.

  • Security on the Cloud

Of course, security is absolutely vital for collaborative accounting. In fact, with the constant threat of hackers, malware and even conniving employees, digital paranoia is one of the top reasons that accounting departments are hesitant to utilize cloud-based tools. However, industry innovations have led to the development of new encryption methods. Also, firms such as Zinon have new tools and innovative methods for monitoring malicious intent on the Internet and getting ahead of possible data breaches before they even occur.

We’d also like you to know that we get it: your specialty is accounting, not necessarily IT. We want you to focus on what you do best, which is why Zinon offers a robust, intuitive user interface. Users can easily access the information they need and navigate our platform without a lot of technical know-how. We take care of the complicated stuff on the backend, allowing you to better focus on accounting.

  • Cloud Computing Tools

Another common concern with cloud computing for accounting relates to the tools available. For example, desktop spreadsheets have become quite complex and allow accountants to track and alter data in phenomenal ways. But can an online resource provide the same comprehensive solutions? The answer is yes! In fact, Internet connections and technology have become so powerful that software packages across many industries are now increasingly working exclusively online. They are just as powerful, if not more so, as their desktop counterparts. And, of course, files can always be downloaded to your machine for editing.

And if you’re concerned about whether or not the file you just downloaded will remain updated for other users on the cloud, accounting with Zinon Cloud provides access to industry-leading version control mechanisms. In other words, we have tools that help each employee edit a shared file with their own updates without overwriting another user’s changes or updates. In other words, version control preserves both the integrity of our accountants’ work and the file itself. This is a crucial tool as workforces become increasingly global.

  • Transitioning to the Cloud

To ensure a smooth cloud transition for your accounting department, one of our experts will actually set up your custom solution onsite. He or she will audit your existing infrastructure, determine the most effective course of action, and take care of the installation for you.

If you’re already using a cloud computing provider but are unhappy with their services, we can help you make the transition to our platform. We provide seamless transfer of all of your data (and, depending upon the provider, possibly your settings). Even better, we take care of the entire process, saving you the hassle and complication of migrating.

See what our accounting clients thought of cloud computing for accounting.

If you’re still not sure about us, we offer a free demo showcasing our services to all potential clients. See how easy, secure and productive it really is to control your accounting with Zinon Cloud. Contact us today!